Friday, January 4, 2013

37. Daily Routine

As a student I don't have class at the same time every weekday. Tuesday and Thursday I have class at 9 a.m. and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I don't have class until 12:00 p.m. So this blog is about my morning routine on my noon class days from last semester.

I usually wake up around 8:30 and I go downstairs phone in hand and let my dog out of his cage. My dad is the first one to leave the house and he locks my dog in a cage. If my dog is ever left downstairs by himself, he gets into everything. After I let him out I sit on the couch and flip on the TV to ESPN and watch SportsCenter until 10. Then I go upstairs and get ready for school. I go  through my closet and try to find something fashionable depending on what the weather is like. Next I head to the bathroom and I brush my hair, put my makeup on if I feel like wearing any, brush my teeth and use mouthwash then it's back downstairs for some breakfast/lunch. I usually eat whatever is in the fridge or a bowl of cereal. The last few days I've been eating waffles and bagels. I let the dogs outside for a few minutes and then I let them back in and I grab my coat, keys, purse, and backpack and I'm out the door. Depending on the route I take to school it usually takes me 25 minutes to get there.

Currently one of the most played songs in my car. It's on repeat a lot too.

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